If you haven’t heard about online dating, then you probably must be living in the stone age. Online dating is the current trend in dating someone and building social and personal relationships. You can find many online dating sites flourishing on the World Wide Web right now. Many people across the globe are using the online dating services to revolutionize the way they search for love and partners in life. The wide acceptance of the virtual dating has changed the negative public perception about online dating before. More positive views were given to online dating and building virtual relationships have set the first stage of finding the perfect match that leads to several successful marriages.
More singles who are searching for love are using online dating services than you expect
One of ten Americans considered themselves as online daters. They considered virtual dating as a more practical form of finding the right match for them with many options available in searching for the best match. 11% of internet users admitted that they are using an online dating service and about 7% of mobile users have downloaded online dating site apps on their phone to enjoy convenient dating. Online dating activities are very common among singles in their 20’s, but there is a greater percentage of online daters among singles who are between the age of 25 and 35 years old.
Increasing numbers of online daters take their virtual relationships further
It is incredible to note that about 66% of individuals using the online dating service has actually gone out on a real date. Years ago, the statistics were different. These days, the public is getting more serious about finding true love and a genuine relationship through online dating sites. In fact, many of the online daters were able to take their online dating relationship farther from the virtual environment. About 23% of them have actually got married or are enjoying a long term relationship.
Positive views about online dating is overwhelming
There is no way of denying that online dating has earned respect from the public. There is a growing positive view about online dating from the public and many are considering trying it out sometime. Online dating sites offer a better way of meeting new people, which about 59% of online users agree. More people are also gaining positive views that they can find the perfect match by dating online. Many social relationships also began from meeting people in online dating sites. While romance may not work out well between couples, many find lots of friends in their social networks through online dating sites. It does provide an avenue of meeting people from various backgrounds and able to develop professional and casual relationships other than romantic ones.
Should you try dating online?
With the growing popularity of online dating, you must have asked yourself whether it is something worth trying. You will never know unless you engage in this activity in the first place and you can count on the positive views of the public that online dating can be a promising venture that may be worth trying.